The restauration of Willys-Overland MB158963


2009 I visited normandy during the d-day commemorations. From this point on I got infected with the jeep-virus and wanted to have a jeep on my own. Already one year later I managed to find a jeep and bought it. The basic restauration of the technical parts was done by a dealer in Reutlingen. After this technical restauration I took the jeep to my garage and finished the restauration of the body together with a friend. Mid-July 2011 my jeep Willys-Overland MB158963 finally was in a roadworthy condition.

On this page I would like to give you an overview over restauration of the jeep. Here I put the emphasis on the "optical" restauration of the jeep. The technical restauration of the chassis is not in scope of this site. Therefore I try to give an insight into the idea behind the restauration. Based on this idea I then try to show the details of the restauration.

For people who are already longer into jeeps and who own most of the literature referred to on this site, many things might not be new. Therefore the page is aiming at all people, who maybe just have started the restauration of a MB or GPW and are looking for ideas for the restauration of their own jeep.

Furthermore this page also might be usefull for people who are interested in the history of Winterswijk during World War II and its liberation end of March 1945.

In all sections I make use of different books and other literature. The quoted literature only refers to the specific parts which were of particular interest for the restauration of MB158963. Of course all the sources provide much more interesting information about the MB and GPW jeep. Therefore I highly recommend to buy and use these books and internet sources.

Since this page is purely a hobby page, it is still under construction. Nevertheless, since I'm working already on it for quite a long time I wanted to let it go live now. As far as time permits, I will update the page periodically.
For an survey of the update history, see section
Update history.

Last update: 09.04.2017